当晚看发布会的时候,就已经觉得这则广告毁灭掉各类 “仍有价值的创造力工具” 在观感和价值观传递上确实十分令人不适,特别是钢琴和镜头这俩尤其精巧、复杂,且我无比熟悉的工具被压碎的时候,确实感到一阵莫名的酸楚。
结果隔日看到站内的帖子讨论,充斥着诸如 “有这种不适感的大概能与交华为爱国税感到自豪的人群相互共情吧”、“确实矫情,世界因为有你而变得更无聊。感谢你。” 等评论,反而觉得我像个异类。
关联站内帖子:这次 iPad Pro 的广告片压碎这么多东西,让我感觉不舒服
关于 “Apple 致歉” 的 NBC 新闻地址:Apple apologizes for 'crushed' iPad Pro ad after widespread online blowback
In a statement obtained by advertising industry publication Ad Age, Tor Myhren, Apple's vice president of marketing, said the ad's message failed to connect.
在广告业刊物《广告时代》获得的一份声明中,苹果公司营销副总裁托尔-迈赫伦( Tor Myhren )表示,这则广告的信息未能产生共鸣。
“Creativity is in our DNA at Apple, and it’s incredibly important to us to design products that empower creatives all over the world,” Myhren said. “Our goal is to always celebrate the myriad of ways users express themselves and bring their ideas to life through iPad. We missed the mark with this video, and we’re sorry.”
"创意是我们苹果公司的基因,设计出让全世界创意者都能发挥创意的产品对我们来说非常重要,"Myhren 说。"我们的目标是始终通过 iPad 祝贺用户表达自我和实现创意的各种方式。我们在这段视频中没有做到这一点,对此我们深表歉意。
Apple did not respond to a request for comment. CNBC confirmed the statement's authenticity. Apple won't run the ad on TV, according to Ad Age.
苹果公司没有回应置评请求。CNBC 证实了该声明的真实性。据 Ad Age 报道,苹果不会在电视上播放该广告。
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