lrxiao 在微软的 gdi rust 内核模块中就能找到 unwrap 的 message ,可见微软也在用 unwrap 和 assert
比如 called Option::unwrap() on a None value gdi_rust\src\xform\
mod.rsSrc and Dst are of different sizes gdi_rust\src\xform\
xformobj_cxx.rsassertion failed: !self.ppath.is_null() gdi_rust\src\
pathobj.rscalled Option::unwrap() on a None value gdi_rust\src\
umptr.rscalled Result::unwrap() on an Err value gdi_rust\src\
region.rsindex out of bounds: the len is but the index is
assertion failed: index <= scan_data.len()
assertion failed: ScanInternal::is_valid_scan(&&*self.scan_data, previous_index)
用 strings win32kbase_rs.sys 就能看到(版本号 10.0.26100.1252 )