怎样在 Mac 上使用 Drafts beta

2018-10-23 23:29:07 +08:00
Drafts 最近释放出 mac 版本的 beta 版,但是使用的前提是:
1- ios 端购买了 pro (已购入)
2- icloud drive 同步

但是单位的电脑上 icloud drive 同步被屏蔽了,无法使用 icloud。请问在这种情况下,怎样使用 Drafts?
因为类似原因,Bear 等依赖于 icloud 同步的 app 也无法使用,郁闷 ing。


It's possible at some point in the future, but there are no plans for other sync options at this time. The app is rather tightly coupled to the iCloud platform. We are aware this present limitations for some users, but we do not have the resources to properly develop, test and maintain multiple backend systems and are quite dedicated to the privacy advantages iCloud provides.
2100 次点击
所在节点    macOS
3 条回复
2018-10-24 00:32:13 +08:00
2018-10-24 05:16:22 +08:00
@vislins nonsense. 懒得把自己的本本背来背去,所以希望打造一个舒适的工作环境。
2018-10-24 16:36:24 +08:00

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