To top things off we’ve increased the amount of outbound transfer included with all plans by 1,000%. That’s right, 10 times the included transfer!
Linode 512 upgraded from 200GB to 2000GB (2TB)
Linode 1G upgraded from 400GB to 4000GB (4TB)
Linode 2G upgraded from 800GB to 8000GB (8TB)
Linode 4G upgraded from 1600GB to 16000GB (16TB)
Linode 8G upgraded from 2000GB to 20000GB (20TB)
As before, all inbound transfer is free.
In the next few days we’ll tell you about parts 2 and 3 of Linode: NextGen. We think you’ll find them just as exciting. Enjoy!
We’re spending $1 million making our network faster. Way faster. Cisco Nexus 7000 routers. Cisco Nexus 5000 switches with Nexus 2000 Fabric Extenders. Linode outbound network cap increased 5x. Outbound monthly transfer quota increased 10x.
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