[杭州] [内推] 技术支持工程师 22 届可冲
2021 Q4 全员大幅涨薪! 2022 全员持股计划即将公布。坊间传闻闭眼冲的公司。现金流充裕,并持有 12 万多枚比特币。是不是想了解更多 MicroStrategy ?
想了解更多 MicroStrategy ,比如我们公司是做什么的,做的怎么样,可以看这个公众号文章:
• 由于业务迅猛发展,跪求 Technical Support 简历。
• 社招职位,优秀的 2022 应届生可以投递。
• 老牌外企,海外客户众多,希望你可以英文交流哦
• 这个职位直接面向客户,务必英语流利,会日语,韩语,粤语加分。
• 本科或以上学历
• 良好的英文书面和口语沟通能力
• 会日语,韩语,或粤语,
• 有客户支持经验
• 熟悉 AWS, Azure, Linux, Java, SQL, RDBMS 任意一项
Job Description
• Provide front-line technical or functional assistance to high profile customers, partners, as well as consultants and other company professionals, in a team-driven case management environment.
• Find creative and sophisticated solutions to problems reported while using MicroStrategy’s product suite through analytical talent and strong troubleshooting abilities.
• Create and maintain online accounts for customers and partners to access secure MicroStrategy websites
• Process requests from customers and partners for new software license keys when new product versions are made generally available
• Enhance personal and professional growth by participating in Internal Training Programs
• Identify and communicate product defects to development teams
• Assist, on ad-hoc basis, on projects which add value to the team operations or contribute to improving Customer Satisfaction.
• Bachelor’s degree
• Strong analytical skills
• Well organized with effective time management skills
• Fluency in English and Mandarin is required (Japanese, Korean, Cantonese would be a plus)
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Team player- always willing to give support to others and ask for help if needed
• Ability to manage multiple tasks concurrently
• Previous customer support experience is a plus
• AWS, Azure, Linux, Java, SQL, RDBMS experience will be a strong plus.
Online Assessments>Recruiter Phone Screen>Tech Interview >APO Interview> HR Interview>GM Final Interview> Offer Approval>Offer>Accept >Onboard
内推后,48 小时内收到测评邀请邮件。
杭州黄龙万科中心 A 座 (紧挨市中心武林广场,离西湖也很近)
美资外企, 福利优渥,上班不打卡,弹性工作制。
周一在家工作( 400 美元津贴)。10-20 天带薪年假,10 天带薪病假,2 Wellbeing Days 。
Work life balance, 工作氛围好,环境佳,每天研磨咖啡,新鲜水果,免费健身房和每个季度健身奖励。

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