然后这里有个人写了他咬牙花 200 刀买这个字体的心路历程,特别好玩。
Operator Mono was the rage for a while. I would see people posting Operator Mono on Twitter and how they love the font. Each time I see such a post, I get a massive pang of jealousy and envy — I wanted to have it too, but I can’t bear to part with the $200.
This is influencer marketing and also peer pressure at its best. I felt I HAD to get it. But I didn’t know why.
One day I decided to fuck it and buy the font. I packaged it as a gift for myself — I was rewarding myself for putting in all this hard work.
I don’t exactly remember the moment I bought Operator Mono anymore. It’s a hazy memory at this point.
But deep down inside, the real reason is probably because I wanted something to help prove that I’m a good developer. Buying an expensive font justified my self-image since I can be smug about it.