2022-11-09 21:48:48 +08:00
10 楼正解,再加上可以设定消费额度。
1 楼应该理解错了。
deepl 有两个收费对象,一个是 translator ,分为 4 种,分别为 Free 、Starter(€5.99/m)、Advanced(€19.99/m)和 Ultimate(€39.99/m),translator 的付费模式确实能算作包括了免费计划。
另一个收费对象是单指 deepl api ,分 2 种,Free 和 Pro(€4.99/m+?),也就是楼主所问的内容。
看完收费标准我也很惊讶,突破 50 万免费字符的价格差距太大了,所以我发邮件问了官方,我把原文贴在下面。
> For DeepL API Pro:
> In addition to the monthly base price of €4.99, this subscription plan is billed according to the number of characters sent to DeepL's servers in API requests, charged at the exact amount of characters translated during the billing period. We charge €0.00002 per translated character.
> So if you use 500,001 characters, the monthly fee will be (€4.99/month)+500,001x€0.00002 = €14.99002.
和楼主理解的一样,deepl API pro 账户没有免费用量。