我也用不来 K3S ,直接用 Standard Docker 就行
https://www.reddit.com/r/truenas/comments/11cp39c/truenas_scale_22121_prevents_docker_from_running/>> You need to create empty /etc/docker.env file now e.g. sudo touch /etc/docker.env
This won't survive upgrades so you should add that to whatever script you are using.
Also recommend you take a look at Jailmaker, which allows you to runs docker in a SystemD-based jail and will save you from a lot of potential grief in the future when Ix Systems changes something again. You achieve the best of both worlds in that scenario - a partitioned space to safely run Docker (or whatever) that still leverages host resources without some of the drawbacks of a VM.
It's the same concept as LXC jails, which Ix System may support in the next release (in which case the Jailmaker script will be simple to modify to support it).