我在 macrumors 和 reddit 上看了下,发现确实官方给的答案有问题
或许你唯一能做的就是按下面链接中 Nan Wang1 引用的内容重置一下 onedrive 看看。> It's happening because of Sync issue with OneDrive and your Mac.
> 出现这种情况是因为 OneDrive 和 Mac 的同步问题。
> To fix it you'll need to go through following steps:-
> 要修复它,您需要通过以下步骤:-
> First in order to verify if your personal account is fine, in Safari internet browser on incognito mode go to below link:
> 首先,为了验证您的个人账户是否正常,请在 Safari 互联网浏览器的隐身模式下访问以下链接:
> Access with your personal account, verify if you are allowed to access.
> 使用个人账户访问,验证是否允许访问。
> If so, you can proceed with the reset process:
> 如果是,则可以继续重置程序:
> 1. Quit OneDrive. (Select the cloud icon in the top tray, then select Settings > Quit OneDrive.)
> 1.退出 OneDrive 。(选择顶部托盘中的云图标,然后选择设置 > 退出 OneDrive )。
> 2. Find OneDrive in your Applications folder.
> 2.在应用程序文件夹中找到 OneDrive 。
> 3. Right-click OneDrive and select Show Package Contents.
> 3.右键单击 OneDrive 并选择显示软件包内容。
> 4. Browse to the Contents > Resources folder.
> 4.浏览到内容 > 资源文件夹。
> 5. Double-click ResetOneDriveApp.command (or ResetOneDriveAppStandalone.command, if you're using the standalone app).
> 5.双击 ResetOneDriveApp.command (或 ResetOneDriveAppStandalone.command ,如果使用的是独立应用程序)。
> 6. Start OneDrive and finish the setup process.
> 6.启动 OneDrive 并完成设置过程。
> See more information in below link:> 更多信息请参见以下链接: