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残疾软件工程硕士,全力以赴创业,只求健全对象(Engineering, going all out to start a business and do software outsourcing, app website develop)

  •   silencecoderchin · 2023-12-19 07:32:12 +08:00 · 341 次点击
    这是一个创建于 428 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    我一直很愤怒,也很焦虑,咽不下这口气,我身体残疾我为什么就只能找残疾人,为什么我这样优秀也没有用,被健全女生一票否决。为什么,这是为什么。后来,偶尔的一个机会我认识到小程序开发、app 开发、网站开发这一块很适合我,我可以靠这个赚到钱,我一直认为金钱可以弥补我残疾的缺陷找到健全对象,日入过万不行,那就日入过亿,黎姿就是一个例子。我就不信,世界上没有善良的健全女孩能接纳我的残疾,我压不下这个愤怒,咽不下这口气。于是,我从本科一直读到了硕士,可能还会读博,我坚信“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”。黄金屋我现在已经看到,我就不信没有颜如玉。
    2023 年夏天,我刚刚硕士毕业,我曾经去德州的某民办高校应聘大学老师,线上面试,已经通过,录用通知书已经发给我。但是,在报道的那一天,因为身体原因被无情拒绝,我的天好像突然黑了一下,但是很快就亮了。手里有技能,什么也不怕。我会小程序开发、app 开发、网站开发,我坚信,立志在我,成事在人。我一定能成功。做软件开发,能改变我的命运。我还想继续读博,人工智能相关领域博士,只为学术理想,不为教职。
    Hello everyone, my name is Li Shoucong ,I am from China. Due to an accident the day after tomorrow, I couldn’t straighten my left leg. When I was in school, I envied the able-bodied classmates around me who could find a partner. I also wanted to be like them and find an able-bodied partner. It was sweet and sweet. Unfortunately, from bachelor’s degree to master’s degree, I was always given a good person card. Without exception, they were all rejected directly, and some even said bad things. “Why do you, a disabled person, find able-bodied people?”

    I have been very angry and anxious, and I can’t swallow this breath. I am physically disabled. Why can I only find people with disabilities? Why is it useless for me to be so good, and I am voted out by able-bodied girls. Why, why is this. Later, by chance, I realized that small program development, app development, and website development are very suitable for me. I can make money through this. I have always believed that money can make up for my disability and find a healthy partner. I can earn more than 10,000 yuan a day. No, then make over 100 million a day. Gigi Gigi is an example. I just couldn’t believe that there was no kind-hearted, able-bodied girl in the world who could accept my disability. I couldn’t suppress this anger and couldn’t swallow this breath. So, I studied from undergraduate to master’s degree, and may also study for a doctorate. I firmly believe that “the book has its own golden house, and the book has its own beauty like jade.” Now that I have seen the Golden House, I don’t believe that there is no Yan Ruyu.

    In the summer of 2023, I had just graduated with a master’s degree. I went to apply for a university teacher position at a private university in Dezhou, Shandong Province, China. I had an online interview and passed it. The offer letter was sent to me. However, on the day of the report, I was ruthlessly rejected due to physical reasons. It seemed that my sky suddenly became dark, but it soon became bright. If you have skills in your hands, you have nothing to fear. I know how to develop small programs, apps, and websites. I firmly believe that what I am determined to accomplish depends on others. I will definitely succeed. Doing software development can change my destiny. I also want to continue studying for a Ph.D. in a field related to artificial intelligence, just for academic ideals, not for a teaching position.

    My wechat and telephone and WhatsApp is +8618315852058 ,if you want to develop app or websites ,please contact me.


    我的手机号和微信和 WhatsApp 是+8618315852058
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