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钉钉 AI 用于英文润色、学习英文非常不错

  •   kylebing · 6 小时 16 分钟前 · 257 次点击

    近期需要在 Reddit 上发布一个自己制作的掌机主题,想着用英文写篇介绍。
    前不久的时候发现百度翻译的 AI 润色很好用,但后来发现它是需要付费的就没有再用。
    昨晚突然想起钉钉好像有 AI ,结果一试,确实很不错,应该是免费不限次数的吧。



    In this post, I will share 3 things to you.
    1. theme Cosy for OnionOS
    2. theme Cosy for SpruceOS
    3. some wallpaper or image that contains most of game console icons.
    i have been working on drawing game console icons for the last 2 monthes. It's finally completed now.
    The major imporovement of this version would be inrich the icon pack, include game console icons and app icons. 
    There are  66 game console icons and 48 app icons on my count.
    Here are some preivewes of this theme. Let me know if you like it.
    Behind the scene:
    Almost every night after work, I would complete 1 or 2 game console icons. 
    Through this journey, I am glad that I have improved my light useing in illustrator drawing.

    这是 AI 给的回答

    Sure, here is the polished version of your text, along with corrections for the misspelled words:"In this post, I will share three things with you.
    1. Theme Cosy for OnionOS
    2. Theme Cosy for SpruceOS
    3. Some wallpapers or images that contain most game console icons.
    I have been working on drawing game console icons for the last two months. It's finally completed now. The major improvement in this version is the enrichment of the icon pack, including game console icons and app icons. There are 66 game console icons and 48 app icons in total.Here are some previews of this theme. Let me know if you like it.Behind the scenes: Almost every night after work, I would complete one or two game console icons. Through this journey, I am glad that I have improved my use of light in Illustrator drawings.
    Corrected Spelling:
    •"polish" → "polished"
    •"previews" (corrected from "previewes")
    •"konw" → "know"
    •"monthes" → "months"
    •"imporovement" → "improvement"
    •"inrich" → "enrich"
    •"preivewes" → "previews"
    •"useing" → "use"
    If you have any specific style or tone preferences, feel free to let me know!内容由 AI 生成


    2024-10-21 09 14 10

    2024-10-21 09 14 35

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