这是一个创建于 103 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
Expert in Azure Automation with the following skills for a migration project:
- Experience in development and automation projects with Azure automation projects based on PowerShell
- Knowledge of Azure services and their APIs
- CI/CD knowledge and development process/lifecycle (e.g. Github, deployment and test automation, A/B testing approaches)
- Knowledge of Azure automation
- Understanding of the general security principles in Azure
[注意] 此岗位为远程,contractor 合同工,签约一年左右,后续视项目情况决定是否续约。薪资 20-28k RMB ,与海外公司直接签约,需要自己缴纳保险。介意者请勿投递!!!
1. 满足上述技术条件
2. 英文可作为工作语言
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