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有一起学习 coursera 上加州大学的 ios 专项课程的同学吗?

  •   flyeryuan · 2015-09-12 11:09:36 +08:00 · 2299 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3394 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    加群 310144108 ,大家一起共同学习提高吧

    https://www.coursera.org/specializations/ios-developmentAbout This Specialization

    This Specialization focuses on the basics of iOS application development. You ’ ll gain the skills you need to create your own app, including fluency in Objective-C and UIKit and SpriteKit user interface concepts, and you ’ ll learn to leverage networking, security, audio, video, location, and sensor frameworks. In the final Capstone Project, you ’ ll apply your skills to create a networked game that leverages sensors on the phone to create a unique gaming experience, and that you can showcase in job applications and interviews or offer in the iTunes store.

    Objective-C App 开发基础
    Starts September 15, 2015
    About the Course
    An introduction to the Objective-C programming language. This will prepare you for more extensive iOS app development and build a foundation for advanced iOS development topics.

    iOS 应用的网络与安全
    Starts October 29, 2015
    About the Course
    You will learn to extend your knowledge of making iOS apps so that they can securely interact with web services, receive push notifications, work with Apple payment platforms such as Apple Pay and In-App Purchases. You ’ ll also learn to securely deploy apps to the App Store and beta users over-the-air.

    iOS 用户界面设计最佳实践
    Starts November 30, 2015
    About the Course
    You will learn to develop sophisticated user interfaces for iOS, with a focus on user interface design best practices, UI animations, and responsive design. You will learn about the key UI widgets, mapping interfaces and view restoration.

    Starts December 28, 2015
    About the Course
    You will learn to make fluid digital interactive experiences that are suitable for gaming and use the advanced sensor hardware built into the iPhone and iPad. This includes drawing 2D graphics, playing sounds and music, integrating with Game Center, the iOS physics engine and detecting device orientation and location.

    使用 Swift 进行 iOS 开发
    Starts January 25, 2016
    About the Course
    An introduction to the Swift programming language. This will prepare you for more extensive iOS app development and build a foundation for advanced iOS development topics.

    iOS 毕业项目:多人转移现实游戏( Multiplayer Transreality Game )
    Starts March 14, 2016
    About the Capstone Project
    Students will produce a networked game that will leverage sensors on the phone to create a unique gaming experience. The focus of the game will be to make it physical through real-world gestures, motion and knowledge of other players real-world location. To do this students will need to integrate knowledge of graphics, networking, sensors, and user interface design alongside a skill set of tool usage. The final project will involve milestones with opportunities to get ungraded peer review feedback from fellow learners so that they can iterate and improve their game program. The final networked game that the students produce would be something they could showcase in job application materials, in an interview, or offer in the iTunes store.

    4 条回复    2015-09-13 14:50:50 +08:00
       2015-09-12 15:07:28 +08:00 via iPhone
    前两天收到邮件说马上要开 swift 的专项了,多伦多大学的
       2015-09-12 15:57:19 +08:00
    49 刀?
       2015-09-13 14:49:02 +08:00
    @snachx 多伦多的课程就三门,而且纯 swift ,不包含 oc 。
    加州大学的,有 6 门课,包含 oc ,体系明显更全面。而且说实话加州大学虽然不是伯克利分校的,但是我觉得毕竟在硅谷啊,我还是更信任加州大学分校做的
       2015-09-13 14:50:50 +08:00
    @SamWanng 上课写作业免费,获得认证才要钱,中国不认,不需要认证,学到东西才是王道。
    多伦多大学的 49 刀每课好像,加州大学的 29 刀,我更信任加州大学的。如果有偏好多伦多大学的,也不是不可以一起讨论
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