chairuosen @
Chad0000 建议诸位在任何时候看到国内翻译的外文资料时,第一时间去看来源以及后续更新,参见:
https://www.autosafety.org/dr-ronald-a-belts-sudden-acceleration-papers/“Tesla Regen, Brakes, and Sudden Acceleration” – 6/1/20
The cause of sudden acceleration described in this paper is incorrect because the author based his explanation on EDR data that appeared to show that the car was decelerating while the APP sensor output was increasing. It was later found by NHTSA that the accelerometer data in the EDR was incorrect due to a sign change error in the EDR reader software. Therefore, the corrected EDR data showed that the car was actually accelerating while the APP sensor data was increasing. This nullified the author’s explanation that sudden acceleration was caused by the drag torque control function in the brake system and instead indicated that it was caused by the driver stepping on the accelerator pedal. NHTSA says that the incorrect deceleration value in the author’s paper was the result of the author’s error in reading the EDR accelerometer data incorrectly. But it was really the error of the company that wrote the EDR software. This error in the EDR software has now been fixed.
he third paper above no longer appears on this site because the author has chosen to comply with a cease and desist order issued by a company mentioned in the paper.
简单来说,这个研究者本身独立且值得尊敬,但他 2020 年的这篇特斯拉研究论文结论完全错误了,因为特斯拉读取 EDR 的软件系统有 bug 导致提取的数据有矛盾 hhh 所以作者的研究和论证完全建立在错误的数据上。