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@liweeeeeei yeah? 我基本都回复了啊,已经开始推了。你要么再发一个,我可能没收到 :-)
@litor 不好意思,现在开发岗位只有 Java/C#/Python
@hiluxi 对,Elsevier 在凌空这边,易贸大厦;兄弟公司 Lexis Nexis 在神州智慧天地,离淞虹路地铁站更近些,这次职位这两公司都有,待遇是一致的。
@liweeeeeei 拼音就行
@liweeeeeei 英文是需要的,中文提供的话最好。
@liweeeeeei 是的,需要一份英文简历,中间会有一轮英文面。
@freelancher 感兴趣可以先给你推上去,面试也要稍微等一段时间
@wellwell 前端的看 14 楼,全栈要求稍高些,应届可能稍微困难些,现在偏向招有工作经验的 :) 可以投试试看
@wellwell 哪个岗位的?
@Hilong 不打卡不加班,薪资还可以,wlb 肯定是可以的 :)
@kingkongdog 这个岗位不是 Senior,可能 9 年工作经验这个岗位不是很匹配 :)

@Loserzhu @xiaoxiongmao

前端 JD

BASIC FUNCTIONS: This position performs complex research, design, and software development assignments within a software functional area or product line, and provides direct input to project plans, schedules, and methodology in the development of cross-functional software products. This position performs software design — typically across multiple systems; mentors more-junior members of the team; and talks to users/customers and translates their requests into solutions.

• 3+ years of Software Engineering experience
• BS Computer Science or equivalent experience required
• Advanced knowledge of agile software development methodologies.
• Strong knowledge of multiple data storage systems including but not limited to: Redis and AWS S3.
• Expertise in development languages including but not limited to: JavaScript, React.js, Redux, and Semantic UI
• Strong knowledge in industry best practices in development.
• Knowledge in using and developing applicable tool sets.
• Ability to interface competently with other technical personnel or team members to finalize requirements.
• Advanced knowledge of testing tools and best practices including test-driven development, unit tests, and integration tests.
• Ability to write and review portions of detailed specifications for the development of complex system components.
• Good oral and written communications skills.
• Experience with localization and internationalization techniques.
• Interface with team members and other technical personnel refine requirements.
• Write and review portions of detailed specifications for the development of complex system components.
• Complete complex bug fixes.
• Work closely with other development team members to understand complex product requirements and translate them into software designs.
• Successfully implement development processes, coding best practices, and code reviews.
• Participate in an agile software development process.
• Resolve complex technical issues as necessary.
• Train and mentor more junior software engineers.
• Keep abreast of new technology developments.
• Design and work with complex data models.
• All other duties as assigned.
@Loserzhu 我找 hr 要一下
@alixali 是的,就是出版很多论文的那个 Elsevier,柳叶刀和细胞都是旗下的期刊。当前在上海成立研发中心,所以要招很多人过来。这次的招聘是 Elsevier 和兄弟公司 Lexis Nexis 一起招聘的,待遇都是差不多的。
@impl 要建个团队,所以显得多一点,其他岗位人也不少
前端和全栈也需要,level 是 Junior
2020-12-01 16:46:49 +08:00
回复了 absolutelynull 创建的主题 2020 很难相信 2021 年就快到了...2020 年这一年大家过得怎么样?
离开了待了 6 年的城市
希望 21 年能好一些
2020-11-23 10:52:02 +08:00
回复了 HariopaNic 创建的主题 生活 有一直去健身房锻炼的老哥吗,是怎么坚持下来的。
2020-11-16 15:26:51 +08:00
回复了 gxgxxn 创建的主题 Linux 怎样快速部署多台装有同样软件的 Linux 系统?
ansible, 写一个 playbook 同意安装配置一下,以后配置改起来重新 run 一下就 ok 了,就是第一次麻烦一些。

不能联网指的是不能连公网还是机器之间都不能连?如果不能连公网还是可以使用 ansible
@earther01 上海,现在做的是医疗相关的项目,技术栈都是主流的

基本上没有 team building,节日一般发点京东卡

过段时间有前后端和 DevOps 的 HC,到时候 V 站发一下,有兴趣可以关注下:)
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