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V2EX  ›  tyhunter  ›  全部回复第 221 页 / 共 339 页
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2016-03-16 17:27:40 +08:00
回复了 tyhunter 创建的主题 问与答 最近一到下午两三点的就困得不行
@asdwfwqd 今晚要早睡了,这几天都是一点多才睡
@emric 可是我在帝都 http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/62e721e4gw1et02ek7u61j200k00k3y9.jpg
@Lihz 有道理,下次试试
@Strikeactor 2333333 并不会写 Java
@wizardforcel 我只要撑过 2-3 点那一段时间,接下去就能一直精神
2016-03-16 14:57:10 +08:00
回复了 tyhunter 创建的主题 问与答 最近一到下午两三点的就困得不行
办公室没那条件,只能多起来走动走动,想问问 V 友们有没有这种情况
2016-03-15 22:26:54 +08:00
回复了 halfcrazy 创建的主题 问与答 通州燕郊那块有什么互联网公司吗?
2016-03-15 22:15:05 +08:00
回复了 AlexaZhou 创建的主题 分享创造 对人类友好并且强大的 VeryNginx
LZ 你好,我按照你的教程安装 verynginx ,在“./configure --prefix=/opt/VeryNginx --user=nginx --group=nginx --with-http_stub_status_module --with-luajit ”这一步中提示
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/ngx_openresty-'
==== Successfully built LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta1 ====
make install TARGET_STRIP=@: CCDEBUG=-g CC=cc PREFIX=/opt/VeryNginx/luajit DESTDIR=/root/ngx_openresty-
==== Installing LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta1 to /opt/VeryNginx/luajit ====
mkdir -p /root/ngx_openresty- /root/ngx_openresty- /root/ngx_openresty- /root/ngx_openresty- /root/ngx_openresty- /root/ngx_openresty- /root/ngx_openresty- /root/ngx_openresty-
cd src && install -m 0755 luajit /root/ngx_openresty-
cd src && test -f libluajit.a && install -m 0644 libluajit.a /root/ngx_openresty- || :
rm -f /root/ngx_openresty- /root/ngx_openresty- /root/ngx_openresty-
cd src && test -f libluajit.so && \
install -m 0755 libluajit.so /root/ngx_openresty- && \
ldconfig -n /root/ngx_openresty- && \
ln -sf libluajit-5.1.so.2.1.0 /root/ngx_openresty- && \
ln -sf libluajit-5.1.so.2.1.0 /root/ngx_openresty- || :
cd etc && install -m 0644 luajit.1 /root/ngx_openresty-
cd etc && sed -e "s|^prefix=.*|prefix=/opt/VeryNginx/luajit|" -e "s|^multilib=.*|multilib=lib|" luajit.pc > luajit.pc.tmp && \
install -m 0644 luajit.pc.tmp /root/ngx_openresty- && \
rm -f luajit.pc.tmp
cd src && install -m 0644 lua.h lualib.h lauxlib.h luaconf.h lua.hpp luajit.h /root/ngx_openresty-
cd src/jit && install -m 0644 bc.lua bcsave.lua dump.lua p.lua v.lua zone.lua dis_x86.lua dis_x64.lua dis_arm.lua dis_ppc.lua dis_mips.lua dis_mipsel.lua vmdef.lua /root/ngx_openresty-
ln -sf luajit-2.1.0-beta1 /root/ngx_openresty-
make: execvp: ln: Too many levels of symbolic links
make: *** [install] Error 127
ERROR: failed to run command: make install TARGET_STRIP=@: CCDEBUG=-g CC=cc PREFIX=/opt/VeryNginx/luajit DESTDIR=/root/ngx_openresty-
2016-03-15 13:45:49 +08:00
回复了 tyhunter 创建的主题 问与答 Supercell 总是游戏好,服务器渣
@yoa1q7y 那问题来了,为何 SC 赚了这么多,却不在中国设置服务器呢
@Wyatt 最近开会,帝都无论是电信还是联通都是各种卡,开 VPN 也没用
2016-03-15 13:41:40 +08:00
回复了 tyhunter 创建的主题 问与答 Supercell 总是游戏好,服务器渣
@wangtong868 打错了,已修改
2016-03-13 17:42:03 +08:00
回复了 tyhunter 创建的主题 问与答 Cisco Anyconnect 连接后只能打开 Google,其他网站都打不开
改成了 OPENDNS 还是不行
# Network settings

# The name to use for the tun device
device = vpns

# Whether the generated IPs will be predictable, i.e., IP stays the
# same for the same user when possible.
predictable-ips = true

# The default domain to be advertised
default-domain =

# The pool of addresses that leases will be given from. If the leases
# are given via Radius, or via the explicit-ip? per-user config option then
# these network values should contain a network with at least a single
# address that will remain under the full control of ocserv (that is
# to be able to assign the local part of the tun device address).
ipv4-network =
ipv4-netmask =

# An alternative way of specifying the network:
#ipv4-network =

# The IPv6 subnet that leases will be given from.
#ipv6-network = fda9:4efe:7e3b:03ea::/64

# Specify the size of the network to provide to clients. It is
# generally recommended to provide clients with a /64 network in
# IPv6, but any subnet may be specified. To provide clients only
# with a single IP use the prefix 128.
#ipv6-subnet-prefix = 128
#ipv6-subnet-prefix = 64

# Whether to tunnel all DNS queries via the VPN. This is the default
# when a default route is set.
tunnel-all-dns = true

# The advertized DNS server. Use multiple lines for
# multiple servers.
# dns = fc00::4be0
dns =

# The NBNS server (if any)
#nbns =

# The domains over which the provided DNS should be used. Use
# multiple lines for multiple domains.
#split-dns = example.com

# Prior to leasing any IP from the pool ping it to verify that
# it is not in use by another (unrelated to this server) host.
# Only set to true, if there can be occupied addresses in the
# IP range for leases.
ping-leases = false

# Use this option to enforce an MTU value to the incoming
# connections. Unset to use the default MTU of the TUN device.
#mtu = 1420

# Unset to enable bandwidth restrictions (in bytes/sec). The
# setting here is global, but can also be set per user or per group.
#rx-data-per-sec = 40000
#tx-data-per-sec = 40000

# The number of packets (of MTU size) that are available in
# the output buffer. The default is low to improve latency.
# Setting it higher will improve throughput.
#output-buffer = 23000

# Routes to be forwarded to the client. If you need the
# client to forward routes to the server, you may use the
# config-per-user/group or even connect and disconnect scripts.
# To set the server as the default gateway for the client just
# comment out all routes from the server, or use the special keyword
# 'default'.

#route =
#route =
#route = fef4:db8:1000:1001::/64
#route = default

# Subsets of the routes above that will not be routed by
# the server.

#no-route =

# Note the that following two firewalling options currently are available
# in Linux systems with iptables software.

# If set, the script /usr/bin/ocserv-fw will be called to restrict
# the user to its allowed routes and prevent him from accessing
# any other routes. In case of defaultroute, the no-routes are restricted.
# All the routes applied by ocserv can be reverted using /usr/bin/ocserv-fw
# --removeall. This option can be set globally or in the per-user configuration.
#restrict-user-to-routes = true

# This option implies restrict-user-to-routes set to true. If set, the
# script /usr/bin/ocserv-fw will be called to restrict the user to
# access specific ports in the network. This option can be set globally
# or in the per-user configuration.
#restrict-user-to-ports = "tcp(443), tcp(80), udp(443), sctp(99), tcp(583), icmp(), icmpv6()"

# You could also use negation, i.e., block the user from accessing these ports only.
#restrict-user-to-ports = "!(tcp(443), tcp(80))"

# When set to true, all client's iroutes are made visible to all
# connecting clients except for the ones offering them. This option
# only makes sense if config-per-user is set.
#expose-iroutes = true

# Groups that a client is allowed to select from.
# A client may belong in multiple groups, and in certain use-cases
# it is needed to switch between them. For these cases the client can
# select prior to authentication. Add multiple entries for multiple groups.
# The group may be followed by a user-friendly name in brackets.
#select-group = group1
#select-group = group2[My special group]

# The name of the (virtual) group that if selected it would assign the user
# to its default group.
#default-select-group = DEFAULT

# Instead of specifying manually all the allowed groups, you may instruct
# ocserv to scan all available groups and include the full list.
#auto-select-group = true

# Configuration files that will be applied per user connection or
# per group. Each file name on these directories must match the username
# or the groupname.
# The options allowed in the configuration files are dns, nbns,
# ipv?-network, ipv4-netmask, rx/tx-per-sec, iroute, route, no-route,
# explicit-ipv4, explicit-ipv6, net-priority, deny-roaming, no-udp,
# keepalive, dpd, mobile-dpd, max-same-clients, tunnel-all-dns,
# restrict-user-to-routes, user-profile, cgroup, stats-report-time,
# mtu, idle-timeout, mobile-idle-timeout, restrict-user-to-ports,
# and session-timeout.
# Note that the 'iroute' option allows to add routes on the server
# based on a user or group. The syntax depends on the input accepted
# by the commands route-add-cmd and route-del-cmd (see below). The no-udp
# is a boolean option (e.g., no-udp = true), and will prevent a UDP session
# for that specific user or group. Note also, that, any DNS or NBNS servers
# present will overwrite the global ones, while any routes or no-routes set
# will be appended to the default set.

#config-per-user = /etc/ocserv/config-per-user/
#config-per-group = /etc/ocserv/config-per-group/

# When config-per-xxx is specified and there is no group or user that
# matches, then utilize the following configuration.
#default-user-config = /etc/ocserv/defaults/user.conf
#default-group-config = /etc/ocserv/defaults/group.conf

# The system command to use to setup a route. %{R} will be replaced with the
# route/mask and %{D} with the (tun) device.
# The following example is from linux systems. %R should be something
# like (the argument of iroute).

route-add-cmd = "ip route add dev tun0"
route-del-cmd = "ip route delete dev tun0"

# This option allows to forward a proxy. The special keywords '%{U}'
# and '%{G}', if present will be replaced by the username and group name.
#proxy-url = http://example.com/
#proxy-url = http://example.com/%{U}/

# This option allows you to specify a URL location where a client can
# post using MS-KKDCP, and the message will be forwarded to the provided
# KDC server. That is a translation URL between HTTP and Kerberos.
# In MIT kerberos you'll need to add in realms:
# kdc = https://ocserv.example.com/kerberos
# http_anchors = FILE:/etc/ocserv-ca.pem
# }
# This option is available if ocserv is compiled with GSSAPI support.

#kkdcp = /kerberos EXAMPLE.COM [email protected]:88
#kkdcp = /kerberos-tcp EXAMPLE.COM [email protected]:88

# The following options are for (experimental) AnyConnect client
# compatibility.

# This option must be set to true to support legacy CISCO clients.
# A side effect of this option is that it will no longer be required
# for clients to present their certificate on every connection.
# That is they may resume a cookie without presenting a certificate
# (when certificate authentication is used).
cisco-client-compat = true

# Client profile xml. A sample file exists in doc/profile.xml.
# It is required by some of the CISCO clients.
# This file must be accessible from inside the worker's chroot.
#user-profile = /etc/ocserv/profile.xml

# Binary files that may be downloaded by the CISCO client. Must
# be within any chroot environment. Normally you don't need
# to use this option.
#binary-files = /path/to/binaries

#Advanced options

# Option to allow sending arbitrary custom headers to the client after
# authentication and prior to VPN tunnel establishment. You shouldn't
# need to use this option normally; if you do and you think that
# this may help others, please send your settings and reason to
# the openconnect mailing list. The special keywords '%{U}'
# and '%{G}', if present will be replaced by the username and group name.
#custom-header = "X-My-Header: hi there"
2016-03-13 13:59:11 +08:00
回复了 zhujinliang 创建的主题 宽带症候群 被联通偷偷限了上行
帝都,现在租的房子用的是鹏博士(电信通),说是 100M 但下载最高只能跑到 30M ,准备下周找工程师来修,上传挺给力,能跑到 4M/s (接近 50M 的速率吧)
2016-03-12 22:34:43 +08:00
回复了 j3n5en 创建的主题 Python 115 云盘 API 附赠自动开车器
自从上了 V2EX ,身体是一天不如一天了
2016-03-12 17:09:26 +08:00
回复了 j3n5en 创建的主题 中二病 大伙来看看我的 115 自动发车器
@j3n5en 讲真老司机你还是开源下吧....
2016-03-12 16:58:28 +08:00
回复了 j3n5en 创建的主题 中二病 大伙来看看我的 115 自动发车器
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