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[新加坡][技术移民] 大型独角兽上市互联网公司,招聘 Server 服务器研发工程师,后端开发工程师( Python ,可接受其它语言转),数据工程师等职位。年假多,加班少,待遇优。

  •   ly1574 · 2019-04-01 15:51:12 +08:00 · 2198 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2155 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    薪资范围( 3-5 万人民币)
    新加坡税极低,比如税前 40 万,税后 38 万 3 千多
    公司提供 18 天年假,14 天带薪病假,6 天育儿假,14 天法定节假日。少加班,更好的工作与生活的平衡状态。公司有早餐,晚餐,零食饮料,设施完善的餐厅,休息室,淋浴间等。配 MacBookpro+显示器,互联网顶尖公司办公环境。
    要求统招本科以上,985,211 优先,两年以上工作经验,大厂背景优先

    意可发简历到: sophia.liu@dadaconsultants.com

    Software Engineer - Server

    We are a group of software engineers who take coding seriously and understand programming as a science. We are responsible for the design and implementation of the services / systems / platforms with high performance, high availability and high scalability. We constantly dive into the deep layer of the code to identify and solve problems.
    Job Description:
    Server side design and development of the services / systems / platforms used by our products and our user
    Write high-quality, clean, elegant, and maintainable code
    Build common libraries
    Analyse requirements, design and develop functionalities based on the product requirements
    Understand the product thoroughly, constantly optimise the product, identify and fix problems, improve stability and user experience
    Design and implement various supporting tools as needed
    Collaborate with other software engineers, product managers, user experience designers, and operations engineers to build features and products
    Bachelor's or higher degree in Computer Science or related fields
    Passionate about coding and programming, innovation, and solving challenging problems
    In-depth understanding of computer science fundamentals (data structures and algorithms, operating systems, networks, databases, etc)
    Strong and hands-on experience with at least one of the programming languages: Go, Python, C++, Java
    Hands-on experiences and knowledge on relational databases such as MySQL
    Strong logical thinking abilities
    Skills below are optional but preferable:
    Familiar with Linux development environments and multi-threaded programming
    Familiar with common network protocols (TCP, UDP, HTTP) and network programming
    Experience in server security
    Experience in design and development of large-scale distributed systems

    Software Engineer - Web-Backend

    We are responsible for the design and implementation of the web application server. We create services to hundreds of millions of users and thousands of fellow Shopee colleagues. We expect huge user traffic and high system stress on a daily basis, and we constantly improve our service performance to cater to the ever-growing business of ours.
    Job Description:
    Design and implement web backend services using Python + Django/Flask
    Write high-quality, clean, maintainable code using engineering best practices (unit testing, source control, continuous integration, automation, design patterns, etc.)
    Analyse requirements, design and develop features
    Understand the product, constantly optimise the product, identify and fix problems, improve stability and user experience
    Optimize application for maximum performance and scalability
    Build reusable code and libraries
    Collaborate with fellow developers, product managers, user experience designer, and operation engineers to build products with web technologies
    Bachelor's or higher degree in Computer Science or related fields
    Passionate about coding and programming, innovation, and solving challenging problems
    Hands-on experiences in Web Service frameworks and technologies such as Django, Ruby On Rails, or Node.js
    Familiar with HTTP protocol
    Familiar with performance tuning of Web Server, massive concurrency handling, and caching mechanisms
    In-depth understanding of data structures, Database and other computer science fundamentals
    Familiar with Linux development environments
    Skills below are optional but preferable:
    Hands-on experiences and knowledge on relational databases such as MySQL
    Knowledge in web security

    Data Engineer

    Job Description:
    Design and grow the data platform to support a variety of big data applications using open-source technologies including Kafka, Hadoop, Presto, HBase, Spark, Hive, Druid, and our own creations. Some examples include a real-time data streaming platform, a unified query platform, a cluster management system, and a machine learning platform
    Design and grow company ’ s data warehouse, build reliable and smart ways to ingest data to the warehouse, and help engineer efficient data pipelines. Some examples include self-service data ingestion systems, Airflow-enabled workflows with code-as-configuration, and data validation tools
    Build critical data marts and applications to support products and solve specific business needs, design data models for optimal storage and retrieval, and optimize data architectures to meet critical product and business requirements. Some examples include a real-time Campaign Mart (used to serve the business with live intelligence) and Order Mart (to supply low latency seller performance system)
    B. Sci. / Ms / PhD in Computer Science or a related technical field
    2+ years of working experience in software development in at least one of these languages: Java, Scala, Python, C/C++, under Linux / Unix. Scala is a plus
    Familiar with SQL; strong scripting ability in Bash is a plus
    Familiar with Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Presto, and other big data experience is a plus
    Familiar designing and operating of a robust distributed system is a plus
    Love to use and develop open-source technologies
    Excited to work intimately with data
    Passionate, self-motivated, and takes ownership
    8 条回复    2019-06-03 14:24:15 +08:00
       2019-04-01 17:06:06 +08:00
       2019-04-01 17:10:10 +08:00
    @Aprilming #1 目测是 Sea
       2019-04-01 17:43:28 +08:00
       2019-04-02 10:56:00 +08:00 via Android
    所以新加坡 5 万月薪等于国内一线城市多少收入的生活水平?
       2019-04-02 12:20:30 +08:00
    @lychnis 看你想过什么样的生活啊,这个过成啥样日子是您自己的选择啊。这边房子买房子比北京容易,孩子上学比北京容易,更多的免费的生活游乐,教育配套。北京工作十年,有家有口的实际生活经验是,我家平薪过来,生活质量提高,家里存款增加。
       2019-04-04 10:42:24 +08:00
       2019-04-04 11:42:07 +08:00
    @buyixiaojiang 有前端
       2019-06-03 14:24:15 +08:00
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