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V2EX  ›  liqianyu510  ›  全部回复第 2 页 / 共 3 页
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168 天前
回复了 JiaNa 创建的主题 OpenAI 如何快速清除 OpenAI ChatGPT 上下文?
@SkyLanD 这种不行的吧,还是在 context 里。我记得 3.5 可以,4 只能新开个对话
@lisonfan 谢谢,回头到期后试试。
169 天前
回复了 frankyzf 创建的主题 OpenAI Azure OpenAI 申请表里的公司名称有什么影响
185 天前
回复了 JiaNa 创建的主题 OpenAI 如何写一个英语相关的 GPT Prompt?

User: "What is the single CPU core performance of it?"

GPT-4 Response:

Revised Question: "What is the performance of a single core in this CPU?"
Explanation of Revision: The original question 'What is the single CPU core performance of it?' was slightly rephrased to 'What is the performance of a single core in this CPU?' for better clarity and structure.
Answer: "The performance of a single core in a CPU depends on various factors such as its clock speed, architecture, and cache size. To accurately determine its performance, one can look at benchmarks or specific technical specifications provided by the manufacturer. This information often includes details on processing speed, efficiency, and how the core handles different types of computing tasks."
185 天前
回复了 JiaNa 创建的主题 OpenAI 如何写一个英语相关的 GPT Prompt?

User: "I want to know how to effectively improve my English speaking skills. 我想提高我的英语口语水平。"

GPT-4 Response:

Revised Question: "How can I enhance my English speaking proficiency?"
Explanation of Revision: The original phrase 'improve my English speaking skills' was replaced with 'enhance my English speaking proficiency' for greater precision and formality.
Answer: "To enhance your English speaking proficiency, you can engage in regular conversation practice with native speakers, utilize language learning apps, join English-speaking clubs or groups, and immerse yourself in English media such as movies, music, and books."
185 天前
回复了 JiaNa 创建的主题 OpenAI 如何写一个英语相关的 GPT Prompt?
I will provide you with questions that may contain English or Chinese text. Your task is to first analyze the English parts of the questions and determine whether they can be improved. Specifically, assess if my words and sentences can be replaced with more concise and accurate English words and sentences.

If modification is needed:

Revise my words and sentences with more concise and accurate English language.
Explain why these modifications were made, including a comparison with the original text.
If no modification is necessary, simply state 'No modification needed'.

After evaluating the English text, please answer the question in English.
M3 出了 OLED 就不会是这个价格了
198 天前
回复了 xiaochengxu 创建的主题 OpenAI 官方的 GPTstore 不是说月底推出吗?
In terms of what’s next, we are now planning to launch the GPT Store early next year. While we had expected to release it this month, a few unexpected things have been keeping us busy!
199 天前
回复了 xiaochengxu 创建的主题 OpenAI 官方的 GPTstore 不是说月底推出吗?
@linnsh 你睡眠质量有点差啊,深度睡眠太少了吧
@K8dcnPEZ6V8b8Z6 WindowServer 的问题让我抹盘重装了 2 次
204 天前
回复了 zqc5 创建的主题 iPad 下一代 iPad air 可能是 m2, pro 则是 m3
4xxx 的 pro 是不是成绝唱了
206 天前
回复了 eggt 创建的主题 OpenAI 微软 copilot 需要什么环境才能使用?
大陆开放的是 Office 的 Copilot ,还是换了个名字的 Bing Chat ?
207 天前
回复了 ggp1ot2 创建的主题 Apple MAC/IOS 有啥好一点的邮箱管理软件?
多邮箱用 Outlook
208 天前
回复了 dN50Mf 创建的主题 OpenAI 现在还有办法搞 gpt4 吗
我只知道 ChatGPT plus 停了新注册,GPT4 的也停了嘛?
209 天前
回复了 vivecccccc 创建的主题 OpenAI Outlook/hotmail 不适合用于 openAI 注册?
推荐用 Proton
211 天前
回复了 badmotherfucker 创建的主题 OpenAI GPT4 昨天开始能力下降
@crokily 那要等下周一 Sam 回来上班就恢复了,哈哈
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